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About me

Jérémy Fouché

My job: to transmit and exchange 

Trainer since 2015, I started this job with the aim of transmitting a body of knowledge acquired through my years of study and my professional career. 


My career has enabled me to combine knowledge and vision specific to the human sciences: looking at the other, understanding my fellow human beings, accepting our differences and the desire for collective good living; with 8 years of experience in an external call center. These years in the professional and corporate world have put my knowledge of human sciences to the test in areas such as customer relations, management, business organization, negotiation and prospecting. I was also able to carry out various missions including supervision and training, it is this last mission that definitely convinced me in this desire for exchange and sharing.  

Trainer for over 6 years now, I have never stopped gaining knowledge and experience. I continue my research and this desire to understand the world around me, especially in the professional fields of training, sales, business, management ... Articles in the press, specialized magazines, conferences and debates specialized, I try to find as many elements as possible so as not to lose the thread of the evolution of our societies to better transmit it to my students. It is indeed important to understand that the research and even the acquisition of this knowledge can be learned.

My greatest source of inspiration and learning remains my students, in their requests, their needs and their desires, I perfect my way of transmitting and I continue, thanks to the students that I have the chance to follow in their company, to learn more about the business world and the many concrete examples they send me.


  • DEUG de Sociologie. Université de Rouen Mont Saint-Aignan

  • Maitrise d'Anthropologie. Université Bordeaux 2, Victor Segalen

IUT/CFA/IAE d'interventions

  • IUT Paris Rives de Seine / Université Paris Cité

  • IUT Sénart Fontainebleau / Université UPEC

  • IAE Paris - Sorbonne Business School /Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne 


  • CFA API : AGEFA Paris Île-de-France  

Pont sur un lac

Christian Fouché

Mon métier : Transmettre et ouvrir l'esprit

Formateur depuis 2006, je suis passionné par la transmission de la connaissance qui permet à chacun de grandir et de gagner en liberté.

My job: to transmit and exchange 


  • DESS de banque CNAM Paris


By choosing JF-FORMATION you will meet a dynamic and modern teacher, who, through concrete examples drawn from world economic news, will lead you, often with humor, to
a global vision of the treated subject and will widen your field of reflection.

Jeanne / Notary Clerk

JF-Formation is keen to give its teaching an anthropological dimension open to the modern world to allow everyone to have a clearer and simpler vision of the future that awaits us all. JF-Formation therefore offers an education which integrates the understanding of the human being and allows each one to adapt to the present world to come.

It is a guarantee of success for the approaching technological breakthrough ...

Christian / Trainer


8, rue des chênes

86340 Fleuré, France


Phone: 06 16 22 92 24


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